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My Affection for the Serbs

A Unique People I hold a special place in my heart for the Serbian people. De la Jonquières once described them as “a brave, poetic,...

The Democratic Spirit of Serbia

Equality and Education Serbia is a democratic country where no one, except the King, holds a title. Property is divided equally among sons, ensuring fairness...

Serbia’s Economic Ties with Austria

The Influence of Austria on Serbian Trade In Serbia, when the country finally gives in to Austria’s demands, Austria often decides that the swine fever...

Alexander’s Conquests From Diplomacy to Gaugamela

As Alexander confronted the resilient city of Tyre, Darius extended a remarkable peace offer through an envoy. Darius proposed peace, the safe return of...

Alexander’s Conquests From the Gordian Knot to Tyre’s Fall

Following his triumph in Ionia, Alexander embarked on a remarkable journey through Caria, where a local queen embraced him as an honorary son. The...

Alexander the Great Conquest and Challenges

Alexander the Great’s conquests were marked by strategic brilliance and audacity. After his father Philip of Macedon secured Greece, the stage was set for...

Balkan Tours 2023

Balkan Tours 2023, the fairy-tale called Balkan tours (this time Balkan tours 2023) continues. Very famous and still an enigma for many, Balkans never...

Balkan Tours 2022

Balkan Tours 2022, when planning your holiday, think about the Balkan peninsula. Consider the exotic destination where you can experience culture, tasty food, adventures....

Byblis was beside herself

Troubled thoughts perplexed her… ‘What will become of me? Away, perverted passion! Let me love my brother with a proper sister’s love! Yet if...

Byblis unspeakable desires

Her unspeakable desires… She went to a nearby mountain and set about throwing herself off. But Nymphai, pitying her, held her back. Casting her into...

Ancient Bulgaria tour


Vegetarian Tastes


The Soul of Veere Part 4


Easter Torch Part 4


Tour Packages Bulgaria