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Ancient States of Asia Minor

Pontus, Cappadocia, and Pergamun Pontus A Multilingual Region The northern coast of Asia Minor, known as Pontus, was dominated by a feudal Persian nobility. Despite its...

Turmoil and Decline in the Seleucid Kingdom

Unhappy Marriages and Poisoned Kings The marriage between Antiochus II and Berenice turned out to be far from happy. After a brief period, Antiochus abandoned...

Challenges and Decline in the Seleucid Kingdom

During its zenith around 300 B.C., the Seleucid Kingdom, led by Seleucus Nicator, spanned approximately 1.5 million square miles. Despite being considered Alexander’s true...

After a decade as emperor

After a decade as emperor, with doctrinal disputes put to rest, Theodosius felt he was in a position to crack down. In 391, he...

Son of Constantius

That last Galerian persecution backfired completely. The young general Constantine (son of Constantius, who had ruled Britain for Diocletian and himself briefly succeeded to...

Stiff-necked qualities of Judaism

The latter quality derived from the more stiff-necked qualities of Judaism. Judaism takes its name from a place, Judaea, and the ancient word for...

The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 13

He saw everything as it was; everything asked him, Dost remember. He remembers! he sees broad fields; between the fields, woods and villages. It...

The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 12

Who shinest in Ostrobrama and preservest The castle town Novgrodek with its trusty people, As Thou didst give me back to health in childhood, When by...

The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 11

The society had sent him the books with thanks. The books came in the natural way; but at the first moment the old man...

The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 10

Whole weeks passed in this way, so that no one saw him and he saw no one. The only signs that the old man...

The Deaf Satyr part 1