The Higher The Flight, The Lower The Fall part 2
The present version is made by the editors from two old English verse translations.
The Higher The Flight, The Lower The Fall
(From Emblems)
Puffed up with...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 13
He saw everything as it was; everything asked him, Dost remember. He remembers! he sees broad fields; between the fields, woods and villages. It...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 12
Who shinest in Ostrobrama and preservest The castle town Novgrodek with its trusty people,
As Thou didst give me back to health in childhood,
When by...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 11
The society had sent him the books with thanks. The books came in the natural way; but at the first moment the old man...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 10
Whole weeks passed in this way, so that no one saw him and he saw no one. The only signs that the old man...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 9
Farther on, between Aspinwall and Panama, was a great forest over which every morning and evening hung a reddish haze of exhalations—a real tropical...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 8
From early morning a light eastern breeze brought a confused hum of human life, above which predominated the whistle of steamers. In the afternoon...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 7
If the infinity of the sea may call out thus, perhaps when a man is growing old, calls come to him, too, from another...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 6
It is true that such modest happiness was his due; but he was so accustomed to disappointments that he thought of rest as people...
The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall part 5
He believed that some mighty and vengeful hand was pursuing him everywhere, on all lands and waters. He did not like, however, to speak...