Vegetarian Tastes


    Special Tastes for Vegeterians

    We also didn`t forget about our vegetarian guests among our rich menus. Vegetarian meals, containing no animal by products, are being prepared with fresh ingredients and all plant derived foods. Additionally, Vegetarian Jain meals which are prepared according to Jain customs, are also one of our special meal alternatives.

    For more details about the special courses please refer to page 196.

    Get the Latest News

    You can reach all the flight information details from the AVOD system. World news is updated hourly.

    Children`s channel and an Audio Book channel are also available.

    In-flight connectivity enables passengers to send and receive text messages and e-mail. The news channel offers passengers world news, including economic, financial and celebrity news, as well as the weather report in text form. News is also given hourly and the weather report every four hours in an on-line broadcast. Connections enabling passengers to listen to, or watch on their individual screens, content on their personal iPods or USB devices are available on some of our B777 and A330 aircraft. Separate sections about Turkish Airlines` Fleet, Cargo and Frequent Flyer Program are also available along with a Destination Guide, a Turkey Info Guide, Airport Maps, Flight Maps and a Flight Camera. All passengers can watch takeoff and landing on two cameras mounted at the front and back of the aircraft.

    Depending on the length of the flight, films, news and short programs are shown on our scheduled and chartered international flights on aircraft that have a video system but no digital system. News, films and short programs are offered to passengers on all flights of more than two hours. Music programs may also be available depending on the type of aircraft.

    Music programs are available on our long haul and international flights.

    Depending on the type of aircraft, some of our airplanes are not yet equipped with a digital entertainment system.

    Green Lantern

    Director: Martin Campbell

    Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and Peter Sarsgaard

    Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of warriors sworn to keep intergalactic order.


    Director: Frank Coraci

    Cast: Kevin James, Rosario Dawson and Leslie Bibb

    The animals at the Franklin Park Zoo love their kindhearted caretaker, Griffin Keyes. Grifm finds himself more comfortable with a lion than a lady.

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